The Real World

An education that turns theory into practice and prepares students with the skills to pursue their passion.

SHOWING 21 to 25 of 25 RESULTS


Confidence Is Key!

It’s been a while since I’ve written here, so… hello everyone! Finals can be stressful, especially during a pandemic, so this winter break felt like a breath of fresh air. I …


The Bonus of Pro Bono

I completed Loyola’s pro bono requirement working as a clinical student for Loyola’s Project for the Innocent during my 2L. It was such a unique hands-on experience that allowed me to …

Jasmine Garcia

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not!"

Jasmine Garcia

Student Correspondent

JD Day | Year 1


My Law School Life

My typical law school day looks quite a bit different than it did a year ago. For starters, I am only on campus two days per week, and the rest of …


Summer Sixteen

I spent my summer at the District Attorney’s office prepping preliminary hearings. I appeared on record for the first time and questioned witnesses. I also had the privilege of arguing an …


Trading Spaces

A few weekends ago, I volunteered to be a witness during an on-campus practice for the Byrne Trial Advocacy Team. They were preparing for the National Trial Competition’s Regional Tournament. I …