The Bonus of Pro Bono
I completed Loyola’s pro bono requirement working as a clinical student for Loyola’s Project for the Innocent during my 2L. It was such a unique hands-on experience that allowed me to …
SHOWING 21 to 24 of 24 RESULTS
I completed Loyola’s pro bono requirement working as a clinical student for Loyola’s Project for the Innocent during my 2L. It was such a unique hands-on experience that allowed me to …
As a transfer student, one of the biggest things that attracted me to Loyola was the number of experiential learning opportunities. From clinics to externships and more, Loyola offers something for …
My typical law school day looks quite a bit different than it did a year ago. For starters, I am only on campus two days per week, and the rest of …
I spent my summer at the District Attorney’s office prepping preliminary hearings. I appeared on record for the first time and questioned witnesses. I also had the privilege of arguing an …
During my first year, I recall seeing groups of high school students on campus. Since our campus is a law school only campus, naturally I was curious as to why they were …
A few weekends ago, I volunteered to be a witness during an on-campus practice for the Byrne Trial Advocacy Team. They were preparing for the National Trial Competition’s Regional Tournament. I …