Exams & Finals

SHOWING 1 to 10 of 17 RESULTS


The Importance of Study Groups

LLS is known for being a “friendly” law school, and that makes a huge difference. I quickly realized that law school requires sacrifices- unfortunately, this can mean not seeing friends and …


My Winter Break

Welcome back Loyola! I love the start of new years and new semesters because it feels like an opportunity to reset and start anew. This is especially so if you’ve had …


Fall Semester Update

The end of the semester is the perfect opportunity to not only reflect upon your performance on the immediate semester, but also the ones of years past. As a first-year student, …


Fall Semester Update

In three weeks, I’ll be halfway done with law school. Even typing that out doesn’t make it feel real. As cliché as it sounds, time really has flown by. Now that …