Tips & Tricks

Summer Plans

Jaelin Kinney is an LLS student blogger.

So, it seems my plans are finalized for the summer!

This summer, I will be working with the California Department of Industrial Relations as a legal intern for the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE). Woot Woot! I’ll be helping combat wage theft, protecting workers rights, and upholding employment laws in workspaces. It’s a ~9-week program that spans from June to August.

I secured the position via the PICD, the fair where nonprofit legal aid organizations come together and interview law students for possible internships. I cannot stress enough how imperative the fair is for finding opportunities.

As for the fall… that is such a long way away. I’m thinking of undertaking an externship with a legal aid organization, or maybe taking a judicial externship for the semester. But I have a feeling that an externship won’t be needed. I think I’ll be busy with my plans as is.

As I write this, I plan on writing on to Law Review, trying out for Trial Advocacy, and applying for a clinic. All of this alongside working a part-time job as an Auditor. This, to me, will offer more than plenty of things to do for my 2L year!

There really is no right or wrong answer for undertaking opportunities in your 2L year. But I will give two pieces of advice:

1) follow your intuition. Go where your skills and passions are best suited.

2) make connections. No matter where you go or what you do, always be sure to make friends and meet new people.

And finally, HAVE FUN! Law school is three years. But it can be exciting, fun, and rewarding, if you play your cards right and enjoy the experience. I won’t lie and tell you that exams are fun. Nor is the studying; or the outlining; or even the impending thoughts of what you’ll do after law school. But the friends you make, the things you learn, and the experiences you have make the journey all the better.

And when the time comes to enter law school. You’ll be ready.

That said, this is Jae Kinney, signing off. Until next time…

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