
Introducing Ms. Evah

Evah Wanjiru is an LLS student blogger.

Hi folks,

I am so excited to be a Jury of Peers blogger this year! It would be very uncharacteristic of me not to be here because all I do is write. My favorite hobby is breathing life into the twenty six alphabets to tell all these tales stuck up my sleeves.

I warmly welcome you into this space. I am ecstatic to make your acquaintance.

My name is Evah. I am a thoroughbred Kenyan girl. I graduated in 2016 from Moi University, Kenya with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B). In 2017, I enrolled for the post-graduate diploma at the Kenya School of Law. I sat for my Bar exams and I was subsequently admitted into the Kenyan Bar in 2018. I am a licensed Kenyan lawyer. For the last three years, I have been engaged in vigorous Civil and Criminal litigation.

In 2020 I decided to take a detour and enroll for an LL.M. and the pretty damn coolest thing happened when I got admitted to Loyola! I am part the chosen few who will get to undertake the Flex LL.M. This means I will complete my LL.M in three semesters instead of two. I already completed my first semester (Spring 2021) online from Kenya! Thanks to the great wicked pandemic that numbed our minds. On the bright side, it is simply amazing to experience both online and in-person! I am smack in the middle of my second semester. I am inching so close to completion.

Outside of school, I’ve got a couple of other things nosing over my hobby list. I love DIY projects, hiking, writing mundane things on my infamous blog and for the first time, I am attempting to be a long-form author. I have a 350 pages novel coming soon.

That’s it for now. I’ll tell you in advance that you and I shall have some fun on this blog.

Stay awesome. Much love!
