
Finding Opportunities In Family Law

Do something each day to bring you a little closer to your dreams

I was fortunate in having exposure with various attorneys prior to attending law school. However, I had not yet encountered anyone who practiced in the field of my interest – family law. Therefore, my underlying goal in law school has been to make connections with individuals interested in or currently practicing family law.

Fortunately, I discovered the Child and Family Law Society and actively check for any emails regarding upcoming events. My trying schedule has allowed me to attend one event they hosted and I was thrilled that I had the opportunity to take part in this informative presentation. The event included two Loyola alumni currently practicing family law. They shared their daily experiences, including their challenges and how they dealt with overcoming them. I found it particularly interesting to hear about the emotional toll that these types of cases can have on a practicing attorney and tips on how they deal with their intense emotions.

My career counselor at Loyola has been incredibly resourceful in navigating me towards a career in family law. She encouraged me to look into classes and clinics offered by Loyola geared towards the field and helped me find a list of classes that would be useful for a career in family law. Based on this, I created a tentative schedule of classes to register for in Fall 2024, combined with my required courses and bar-prep classes.

Overall, my experience at Loyola thus far in relation to my field of interest has been relatively positive. I do admit that I took hold of the reins and actively searched for experiences and information specifically aligned with family law. I certainly feel grateful that many questions I had regarding the field have been answered since I started attending law school.

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